Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Color Sells

Countless hours of explore indicate that color does matter. Observation how fast food restaurants, schools, and professional sports teams all choose definite colors that "represent" them. You already know that colors can suggest a mood or attitude, but did you also know that color accounts for 60 percent of the acceptance or rejection of an object or a person? These impressions don't convert overnight. We all have self-acting color triggers and secret associations about various colors. Color impacts our thinking, our actions, and our reactions. Armed with this knowledge, we must take into list the relationship of colors in our persuasion and marketing efforts.

Four Door Refrigerator

Color is a great persuasive device. Since we don't comprehend what is happening, we don't manufacture a resistance to persuasive color techniques. This process happens at a completely subconscious level. Color is considerable in marketing, in advertising, and in stock packaging. Colors are not just for appearance--they have significance. The popular food colors are red, yellow, orange, and brown. These colors trigger self-acting responses in our nervous principles and stimulate our appetite. Fast food restaurants decorate with shades of red, yellow, and orange. These hues are known as "arousal colors" because they stimulate the appetite and encourage you to eat faster. Compare these curious colors to the calming colors found in fine restaurants. These restaurants tend to use greens and blues in their manufacture schemes, colors which encourage you to stay and linger.

Colors can also be used to attract our attention. The shades that grab our concentration are reds and oranges. The challenge is that each color has multiple meanings; one man might draw one meaning while someone else man might halt an entirely separate meaning. Red can be curious to one group and mean "unprofitable" to another. To others it could signal "stop" or "danger." Red can denote boldness, aggressiveness, and extrovertedness, but it also represents anger, danger, sin, and blood. Yellow is known as a fast color and is the first color to register in the brain. Yellow causes you to be alert and watchful. The results of such explore elaborate why new fire trucks and fire hydrants are being painted yellow.

An curious study on the use of color occurred at the U.S. Naval Correctional center in Seattle, Washington. The entire retention cell was painted pink, except for the floor. Many inmates at this stage of confinement were hostile and violent. The cell was painted pink to see either the color would have a calming corollary on the prisoners. Each man was only held ten to fifteen minutes a day in these pink cells. After 156 days of constant use, there were no incidents of erratic behavior in the inmates.

What about the color of the pills you take? explore has shown that the color of rehabilitation can convert the perception or relationship of the pill. When scientists studied the drugs citizen took and the associations they formed of them based on their colors, they found that most citizen felt white pills were weak while black ones were strong. In someone else study, researchers gave blue and pink placebos to healing students, who were told the pills were either stimulants or sedatives. The students taking the pink pills felt more vigor while the students taking the blue pills felt drowsy.

Color even enhances the perceived flavor and desirability of the food we eat. For example, orange juice with enhanced orange hue was favorite over naturally colored orange juice and was concept to be sweeter. This was also true for strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes. The redder they looked, the more they were preferred.
In one experiment, the flavor of coffee was manipulated by the color of the serving container. Two hundred citizen were asked to judge coffee served out of four separate containers--red, blue, brown, and yellow. All containers contained the same brand of coffee, yet the coffee in the yellow package was found to be "too weak." The blue package coffee was dubbed "too mild." Seventy-five percent of respondents found the coffee in the brown package to be "too strong" while 85 percent found the red package coffee to be "rich and full-bodied." A similar experiment was also done with women and facial creams. Subjects were given pink and white face creams, which were identical except for their color. One hundred percent of the women surveyed said that the pink cream was more productive and milder on sensitive skin.

In someone else experiment, researchers gave subjects laundry detergent to test for quality. Of course, all of the boxes contained the exact same detergent, but the outsides of the boxes were separate colors. The test colors were yellow, blue, and a mixture of both. After a two-week testing period, the test groups reported that the soap in the yellow boxes was "too harsh" and the detergent in the blue boxes was "too weak." The detergent in the mixture yellow and blue boxes was "just right." The findings indicated that the yellow represented strength while the blue represented antiseptic power.

Common color associations:

Red: strength, power, anger, danger, aggression, excitement

Blue: coolness, truth, loyalty, harmony, devotion, serenity, relaxation

Yellow: brightness, intelligence, hostility, wiseness, cheerfulness, loudness,

Green: peacefulness, tranquility, youthfulness, prosperity, money, endurance, growth, hopefulness

Orange: brightness, unpleasantness, sun, warmth, bravery, invigoration, radiation, communication

Purple: royalty, passion, authority, stateliness, integrity, mysticalness, dignity

White: plainness, purity, coldness, cleanliness, innocence, hygiene

Black: desperation, wickedness, futility, mysteriousness, death, evilness

Gray: neutrality, nothingness, indecision, depression, dullness, technology, impersonality

Application Questions

What colors do you need to use in your presentation, product, or containers that will invoke a desired response?

What color combinations are you using that inhibit your hope from feeling comfortable.

What explore have you done with our color combinations? Why do you think color matters?

Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way colse to it. either you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be permanently left behind. Get your free reports at Success benefit to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. manufacture an understanding of its profound value over all aspects of life."


Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically increase your income, heighten your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and wage you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince man to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to perform more and perform their goals? What about your relationships? dream being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your hope is mental and feeling, feel more definite in your potential to persuade.

Kurt Mortensen's trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the buyer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are in effect 120 available!

Color Sells

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Raw Milk Cure

Raw milk (from cows, goats, yaks, horses, sheep) has historically been carefully a superfood. It has been used both in the daily diet (often fermented) and by extra groups with extra nutritional needs, like the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, warriors, and sick people. An ancient Babylon text tells how raw milk was used to drive out the demons of sickness, "Bring milk and laban [curdled milk] that man come to be as pure as laban; like that milk may he come to be pure."(1)

A quantum of raw milk was drunk fresh and warm from the cow (or other animal), but a lot of it was fermented, or cultured, into a collection of tasty products - yoghurt, kefir, cheeses, lacto-fermented beverages, etc. - due to both the lack of refrigeration and primitive people's knowledge of the health benefits of "probiotics".

Four Door Refrigerator

As early as the 1800's, we have documented texts of healing doctors using a diet composed exclusively of raw milk to heal an expected collection of diseases - ranging from asthma and diabetes to colitis, obesity and tuberculosis. How does raw milk work to heal such a collection of very distinct disorders?

Many of my readers who have gone on The Ibd Remission Diet (an elemental diet used to induce disease remission) also found that a collection of other illnesses cleared up at the same time. This is one of the reasons I refer to the time on the Diet as a "healing spa". If the digestive principles is the foundation of health in the body, and natural healing heals the entire body holistically, then of procedure you are going to see distinct results in all aspects of your health. All of your organs and systems will heal and balance, over time, given the necessary tools. An elemental diet - and raw milk is truly the first, customary elemental diet, provides the body with the tools to heal holistically.

In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, naturopathic physician Ron Schmid writes:

"According to late 19th century proponents, the 'secret' of the milk cure lies in the fact good raw milk is a food the body indeed turns into good blood. In illness there is one or both of two conditions in the blood: insufficient quantity, or abnormal quality. The milk diet corrects both and, acting through the blood and the circulation, heals the cells and thus the tissues and organs. The muscles on a milk diet harden, approximately like an athlete's, because they are pumped full of blood, as are the organs."(2)

However, there are some rules that need to be followed. As with The Ibd Remission Diet, there are some crucial guidelines that need to be implemented to have success with the raw milk cure. Some of the doctors who used the raw milk cure with patients in the 1800's through to the 1930's used raw milk in conjunction with mild, indeed digestible foods like fruit. But the vast majority swore by the need to consume only fresh, raw milk, and vast quantities of it.

One of the most prolific of these doctors, Charles Sanford Porter Md, published a book called, Milk Diet as a Remedy for chronic Disease in 1905. In the book he relates how at least 18,000 patients had been on the raw milk diet under his care in the last 37 years. This was not some fad diet, or quick-flash trend. This was a solid, scientifically proven formula for healing mild to severe disorders. In 1929, one of the founders of the Mayo Foundation (forerunner to the Mayo Clinic), J.E. Crew Md reported that he had been successfully using the raw milk medicine for the last 15 years. He said, "The results obtained in discrete types of disease have been so uniformly exquisite that one's notion of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed. When sick habitancy are small to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth and maintenance, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine."(3)

The great thing is that many healing doctors in the U.S., Russia and Germany published their work and results using raw milk diets from the early 1800's to early 1900's, so we have good guidelines for implementation. Personally, from my contact with elemental diets and the rationale behind them, I agree with the majority of doctors who found that if you mixed other foods with the raw milk diet, it was not nearly as successful. The only other food I think you could mix with raw milk and perhaps see an added benefit from is clear homemade bone broths - boiled from organic meat and bones. I say this both because I have an intuitive sense that this would be okay (and perhaps add to the healing power of the regime), and because homemade bone broths have been very beneficial for habitancy on The Ibd Remission Diet.

Rules For The Raw Milk Cure

After perusing the writings of discrete doctors who worked extensively with raw milk treatments, here are the crucial implementation guidelines if you'd like to give the raw milk diet a try:

Use raw, untreated milk from pasture-fed cows only - milk has the highest healing value in spring and early summer when cows are eating new, high vitamin grass. Do not use milk from grain-fed or barn-bound cows. Higher fat milk (from Jersey cows) is ideal. Be sure to use full-fat milk only (not 2% or skim). The mean adult must consume at least 3 - 4 quarts of raw milk per day. You can consume up to 10 quarts per day, if you wish (note: 4 cups = 1 quart). Minimum duration of raw milk diet is 4 weeks to see good results. Ensue with gradual food introduction of indeed digested foods. You must have unblemished rest during the diet - do not work, take care of family, go to school, etc. This is exactly what I advise habitancy on The Ibd Remission Diet, because healing takes a lot of energy. Do not consume any other foods or beverages whilst on the diet, except filtered or spring water.

The point of strictly adhering to these guidelines is summed up in the words of Dr. Charles Sanford Porter, Md:

"It is wrong, if not indeed dangerous, to attempt the exclusive milk diet on any estimate of milk less than that required to noticeably stimulate the circulation and promote body growth. There is no halfway formula of taking the milk diet for habitancy who have much the matter with them. Sufficient milk must be taken to originate new circulation, new cells, and new tissue growth, and cause prompt elimination of the waste and dead matter that may be poisoning the system. With milk alone, digestion and assimilation may go on throughout approximately the whole distance of the alimentary canal. The increasing of even a cracker to the milk seems to cause the stomach to hold all its contents for hours without discharging much into the intestine."(4)

How Long Do I Stay On The Diet?

Now you may be wondering how long you can safely stay on a raw milk diet. Amazingly, there is no limit. Raw cow's milk from pasture-fed cows is a complete, exquisite food all by itself. In his book, The Untold Story of Milk, Ron Schmid Nd, relates numerous stories of habitancy who lived in exquisite health for up to 50 years on raw milk alone. Here's just one of many examples; this is a letter from a man in Burlington, Iowa in 1913:

"I have lived on a strictly milk diet for the past forty-two years, not as a matter of choice, but from the fact that I am unable to take solid food of any kind, even a crumb of bread. At the age of two I took a dose of concentrated lye, which caused a stricture of the food pipe and since then have lived on a milk diet. I believe I have gotten along best than the man who eats. I am five feet, six inches tall, weigh one hundred and forty pounds, and am married and have four strong, wholesome children. I take one quart at each mealtime and none in the middle of meals. My health is good, in fact I have never been ill in forty-two years."(5)

Dr. Schmid goes on to give many distinct examples of habitancy who have had exquisite health living on nothing but raw cow's milk for 3 - 50 years. This is very liberating information! fantasize if elderly habitancy in nursing homes were given raw milk instead of Boost, Ensure and processed foods? fantasize if habitancy with obstructions and strictures were given raw milk, rather than surgery, or having their colon removed?

How To Introduce Raw Milk

People with inflammatory bowel disease (Ibd) and irritable bowel syndrome (Ibs) are often very hesitant to try raw milk due to bad experiences with pasteurized milk and sensitivity to milk proteins (keep in mind these proteins have been denatured by the pasteurization process). So what's the best way to start and test whether you can take benefit of this marvelous superfood? Here are the guidelines I've used with myself and my children (who were not allowed to drink pasteurized milk) to introduce raw milk and test for tolerance:

Make sure you only use untreated, full-fat, raw milk from pasture-fed cows If you have been very sensitive to milk in the past, then start by manufacture yoghurt from the raw milk. Raw milk yoghurt is the most very tolerated of all raw milk products. Eat a small estimate of yoghurt each day and gradually build up (see Jini's Raw Milk Yoghurt formula below). If you like the yoghurt and tolerate it well, then you can make an Indian yoghurt drink called a lassi: Add a pinch of cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and your desired sweetener (stevia, maple syrup, honey) and stir to mix. Add some warm filtered water if the texture is too thick. If you want to drink the raw milk straight, it's best if you drink it in isolation from other foods. For example, have it first thing in the morning and don't eat or drink anyone else with it - consume it as you would an elemental shake (all by itself, on an empty stomach). Warm the milk slightly to room climatic characteristic or lukewarm before drinking (but don't make it hot/boiling or you will kill the good bacteria and enzymes that facilitate digestion). Cold milk can be a shock to the principles and harder to digest.

Before we found a source of raw milk, my kids would occasionally have a glass of pasteurized milk at a friend's house. And within half an hour they would have a bowel movement. Now keep in mind that my kids are perfectly healthy, with one formed bowel movement per day. If pasteurized milk affects them so negatively, fantasize what it does to an already compromised digestive system? Raw milk is wholly different. My kids drink as much raw milk per day as they wish and they still have only one formed bowel movement per day. I drink raw milk straight, eat raw milk cheeses, raw milk yoghurt, and make a shake from raw eggs and raw milk, and I've never felt better! If you'd like to source a raw milk provider in your area go to: There are also lots of beneficial articles on the site if you're worried about protection issues, legalities, etc.


1. Barton, George A. Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, pg 635.

2. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 76

3. Crewe, J. E. Raw Milk Cures Many Diseases, article, 1929

4. Porter, S. Charles Milk Diet as a Remedy for chronic Disease, 1905-1923

5. Schmid, Ron The Untold Story of Milk, pg. 75

Jini'S Raw Milk Yoghurt Recipe

Traditional yoghurt recipes call for the milk to be heated to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, however, this destroys the beneficial enzymes present in raw milk. Therefore, I prefer to not heat the milk beyond 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43°C). However, this usually results in a runny yoghurt (not firm). If you're going to use your yoghurt in shakes, smoothies or lassis, this is fine. However, if you prefer to eat firm yoghurt, you will need to add gelatin to help firm it up. So the formula here includes gelatin, but if you're okay with runny yoghurt, then Ensue the formula as is, minus the gelatin.

4 cups raw whole milk 2 teaspoons of Natren Yogurt Starter 1 glass quart jar with lid, sterilized 1 teaspoon powdered gelatin
1. Pour 4 cups of milk into a saucepan and sprinkle gelatin over outside of milk. Let sit for 5 minutes while gelatin dissolves.

2. Over low heat, stirring constantly, gradually bring the milk to 110°F (43°C), or until you can keep your finger in the milk while you count to 10.

3. Put the yogurt starter into the wide-mouth quart-size sterilized glass jar. Pour in about 1/2 cup milk and stir to mix indeed well with the starter.

4. Fill the jar with the rest of the milk, stir lightly, and screw on the lid.

5. Wrap the jar in a towel and let sit in a warm place*, for eight hours.

6. Unwrap and place in the refrigerator. Allow yoghurt to set in fridge (about four hours). If you want an even firmer yoghurt, next time add 1.5 or 2 teaspoons of gelatin.

*If you don't have a warm place, then put it inside your oven with the oven light on. Do not turn on the oven, just turn on the oven light and close the oven door. If you have a yoghurt-maker, use the formula here and then Ensue instructions for your yoghurt-maker for incubation - but still best to incubate for 8 hours.

Note: Do not mix fruit or sweeteners directly into your main batch of yoghurt, as this will interfere negatively with probiotic action and potency during storage. However, it is perfectly fine to scoop out a quantum of yoghurt and mix in some fruit, jam, maple syrup or honey immediately prior to eating - just don't mix these in with your main batch that remains in the fridge.

The Raw Milk Cure

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Most popular Red Wine Types for Your Rack

Wine is produced all over the world from particular varietal grape selections to beloved varietal blends to please approximately every palate, from the novice to the seasoned wine taster. Red wine happens to be the most beloved choice the world over.

Barolo and Barbaresco

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Derived from the Nebbiolo grape, Barolo wines are typically deep red with a thick and complex flavor that is sometimes flowery, reminiscent of violets and roses. Other flavors are fruit, licorice or oak. Barolo should be enjoyed at 60F and can age for 5-10 years. Barbaresco is a red wine that is more elegant and aromatic, though still powerful. In a way, Barbaresco is the younger brother of Barolo. Both of these red wines are made in the Piedmont region of Italy and pair well with grilled meats.

Beaujolais Nouveau

A very young, light, fruity wine meant to be served chilled, around 55F, with dominant flavors of strawberry and raspberry along with a grapey request for retrial that is virtually free of tannins. It is grown from the Gamay grape in the Beaujolais region (part of Burgundy) of France. Beaujolais Nouveau is released annually on the third Thursday of November. In food pairing, it goes well with grilled or roasted meats both light and dark, a collection of pastas, salads and cheeses.

Cabernet Franc

Originally from the Bourdeaux and Loire Valley region, Cabernet Franc enjoys the growing climates of California, Washington State, Australia, Chile, Canada, and South Africa. It is a wonderfully fruity wine, having lower tannin levels and a more safe bet flavor reminiscent of berry; generally blueberry, raspberry and at times plum. Cabernet Franc is more subdued and softer than its cousin Cabernet Sauvignon and is sold as a particular varietal. However, it is ideal for blending with its cousin Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Cabernet Franc is best served at 59-64F and pairs well with Mediterranean Greek and Middle Eastern dishes as well as poultry and pasta.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Originally from Bordeaux, Cabernet Sauvignon has a broad proximity in the California wineries where the grape favors the warmer climate, and enjoys the popularity as the most sought after red wine. Cabernets are medium-bodied to full-bodied and characterized by a high tannin article which provides structure and intrigue to the wine and supporting flavors reminiscent of a rich, ripe berry, tobacco and sometimes green pepper. Cabernet Sauvignon is an ideal wine for aging, with 5-10 years being optimal for peak maturation. The longer maturation process allows the wine's flavors to mellow, and makes the Cabernets ideal for blending with other grapes, primarily Merlot to add enchanting fruit tones, without sacrificing character. Cabernet Sauvignon is best served at 59-64F, and pairs wonderfully with red meats, lamb, cheeses of strong flavor and dark chocolates.

Cotes du Rhone

Southeastern France's Rhone Valley produces some of that country's best business agreement red wines gift good flavor, generally full-bodied with rich but plane tanins, with plentifulness of food pairing options. Grenache, Syrah and Viognier are the customary varietals grown in the region. Red and rosé wines are made from Grenache Noir, Syrah, Cinsault, Carignane, Counoise and Mourvèdre grape varieties. With the exception of Northern wines using a majority of Syrah, stock must include a minimum of 40% Grenache to be blended into the Côtes du Rhône. Best served at 59-64F and pairs well with game and other rich meat dishes.


Originating from Bordeaux France, Malbec is generally a grape used for blending. In the sun-drenched climate of Argentina, Malbec has found renewed appreciation and acclaim and has come to be Argentina's signature grape producing a medium to full-bodied red wine. Malbec wine is reminiscent of ripe fruit flavors of plums and blackberry jam. The tannins are typically a bit tight with an earthy, wood request for retrial development for a fairly rustic wine that is swiftly development a new name for itself with red wine lovers. Malbec is best served at 59-64F and pairs well with tomato-based sauces, Italian fare, red meat, Mexican, Cajun, and Indian dishes.


A soft, medium-bodied red wine with juicy fruit flavors reminiscent of plums, cherries, blueberries and blackberries mixed with black pepper tones. Tannin levels are fairly low. Merlot is a prime wine for consumers just getting into red wines. Merlot originated from the Bordeaux region of France and is often blended with other varietals, such as Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Blending Merlot with these wines mellows and softens the Cabernets. Merlot wines are very versatile with food pairings and are best served at 55- 60F degrees and enjoyed with poultry, red meat, pork, pastas, and salads.

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is a lighter flavored and colored red wine with flavors reminiscent of plums, tomatoes, cherries and red berries and, depending on the varietal's growing conditions, an earthy or wood flavor. Pinot Noir is planted in California, Oregon, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Australia, and other regions around the world. You are likely to pay a exiguous more for Pinot Noir because it is produced in smaller quantities than most of the other beloved red wine types. Pinot Noir is a versatile food wine best served at 55-60F, pairing well with spicy seasonings, creamy sauces, beef, ham, lamb, pork, poultry and fish.


Italy's most generally planted red grape varietal predominantly producing the beloved wines Chianti and Chianti Classico, wines of medium- to full-body with a tannin structure range from medium-soft to firm, and a medium to high acidity content. Flavors related with Sangiovese wines are reminiscent of cherry, plum, strawberry, cinnamon and vanilla with a end that can range from elegant to bitter. Best served at 59-64F, Sangiovese varietal wine pairs well with chicken, red meat, fish, lamb, pork, pastas, stews or well-aged cheeses


Australia and South Africa call it Shiraz. In France, it is known and grown as Syrah, but it happens to be the same grape varietal that produces a deep-purple color and bold, spicy, red, medium- to full-bodied wines with firm tannins with rich flavors reminiscent of black cherry, blackberry, plum, bell pepper, black pepper, clove, licorice, dark chocolate and smoked meat. Best served at 59-64F, Shiraz/Syrah pairs wonderfully with spicy Mexican, Cajun and barbeque dishes, grilled fare, beef stews, red meats, even pizza and meat lasagna.


California's #2 most widely planted red wine grape. Originating in Croatia, not southern Italy as previously thought, where it is a kin to the Primitivo grape . Dna "fingerprinting" recently proved that both Zinfandel and Primitivo are clones of the same grape. California is the largest grower of Zinfandel and produces discrete styles, fluctuating from a blackberry and black pepper, to light and juicy-fruity, to rich, elegant, oaked red with medium to high tannin levels and higher alcohol content. "Zin" is often blended with other grapes. Best served at 59F, Zinfandel pairs well with grilled red or white meat, fish, lamb, gorgonzola cheese and dark chocolate. Lighter Zinfandels can also pair well with rich, creamy pastas, rotisserie chicken, duck, baked Italian dishes like lasagna, cannelloni and Cajun to Asian fare.

Most popular Red Wine Types for Your Rack

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Canine Diabetes - Tips For Regulating Your Dog's Blood Sugar Levels

Your pet has just been diagnosed with canine diabetes. Regulating your pet's blood sugar levels is an prominent part of managing diabetes in dogs. Here's what you need to know.

What Are Blood Sugar Levels, And Why Are They Important?

Four Door Refrigerator

The carbohydrates in the food your pet eats are broken down into glucose during the digestive process. Glucose is what your pet's body uses for energy, and it's sent to all parts of her body via the bloodstream. It's general for blood glucose levels to rise after your pet eats.

This is when insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, is released, to keep blood sugar levels from getting too high. Ordinarily your pet's body will regulate the equilibrium between blood glucose levels and insulin levels on its own.

Blood sugar levels are measured in millegrams per deciliter (mg/dL). The general range for a canine is between 75 and 120 mg/dL. It's general for blood glucose levels to rise after a meal, but they should come back down quickly. If the blood glucose levels remain above 180, the body will effort to get rid of the extra glucose by excreting it in the urine. This is called a "sugar spill."

Elevated blood sugar levels over a duration of time will damage your pet's organ systems, along with her eyes and her kidneys. Diabetic ketoacidosis can result, which is a life-threatening crisis.

It's prominent that your pet's blood sugar levels don't get too low, either. Blood glucose levels around 80 are determined low. If they fall to 60 or below, your pet can start having seizures and die very quickly.

How Do You Monitor Blood Sugar Levels In Dogs With Diabetes?

You can use a urine strip to check the amount of sugar present in your pet's urine. Or you can use a blood glucose meter to portion blood glucose levels. Your vet will let you know which is best for your pet.

Feeding And Insulin

You'll need to get into a routine of feeding your pet twice a day, Ordinarily every twelve hours. Your vet will probably advise a low-fat, high-fiber food.

Insulin shots are Ordinarily given at mealtimes. It's best to wait until after your pet has eaten to give her the shot. If you give it before the meal, and then she doesn't feel like eating, her blood sugar levels will drop to dangerously low levels. In this case, you'll need to get your pet to the vet immediately.

Insulin is stored in the refrigerator. Take the time to warm the vial in your hand before injecting the insulin. It will be painful for your pet if you give it to her cold.

Regulating Diabetes In Dogs Takes Time

It can take some months to get the equilibrium between food and insulin right for your pet. The ideal is to keep her blood sugar at general levels all the time. In real life, her blood sugar may get a exiguous higher or a exiguous lower during the day. The key is to preclude greatest highs and lows.

Can I Ever Stop Giving My Diabetic Canine Insulin Shots?

No, you'll need to give her insulin for the rest of her life. There is no cure for this disease right now.

How To preclude Canine Diabetes

Prevention is the best cure. Overweight pets are at high risk for developing this disease, so put your obese pet on a diet. Quarterly rehearsal will help burn those extra calories, and is a great way to simply control blood sugar levels.

Many pet owners also use natural remedies for dogs to keep blood sugar levels under control. Research has shown that distinct herbs and dietary supplements are efficient for regulating blood glucose levels in pets.

Protect your pet from becoming a canine diabetic by studying more about natural remedies for dogs today.

Canine Diabetes - Tips For Regulating Your Dog's Blood Sugar Levels

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Guide to rule How Much to Pay For Your House Cleaning assistance

Sometimes it's principal to use a house cleaning service. Either your lifestyle is too busy to allow you to clean as usually as you'd like, you want to clean for a special occasion, or you're getting ready to move, a pro could be just the thing you need. However, pro house cleaning services can also get expensive. While they're often worth the price, it's prominent to know in progress how much you'll end up paying for your service. Here's a rough guide to house cleaning rates, depending on what you need cleaned and how often.

Every house or apartment is different, so you'll find that your house cleaning prices will be based on a whole of things. These include how big your home is, Either you're having it cleaned just once or on a quarterly basis, how often quarterly cleaning will occur, how many citizen live there, the whole of bathrooms and the whole of pets, and similar factors.

Four Door Refrigerator

Larger cleaning fellowships will use a standardized method to surmise your estimate. Smaller fellowships may not have a system this formalized. Commonly, cleaning franchises fee about seventy-five dollars per hour to have two citizen clean for two hours. Two hours is often the minimum visit, but this rule may vary between cleaning services.

If you're having cleaning done regularly, you'll find that the first visit often costs more than visits that happen later. That's because added cleaning may need to be done at first. The introductory visit may be priced by the hour, and your estimation will be a range, rather than a exact price. If more time is needed than the estimation includes, expect the cleaning enterprise to touch you for authorization.

If you choose usually scheduled visits, you'll probably be charged a flat fee per visit, with notifications if this needs to be increased. quarterly cleaning usually costs less per visit than one-time cleaning and introductory visits, and house cleaning rates vary depending on how often you want cleaning to be done. Favorite house cleaning schedules include weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly and monthly cleaning. Some citizen have their homes expertly cleaned only for special occasions and holidays.

A one time cleaning of a two bedroom apartment (five rooms, nine hundred square feet), might cost in any place between seventy five dollars and two hundred dollars. This house cleaning price will depend on how much work the assistance needs to do in order to get the apartment up to their standards. A singular story home with seven rooms, at about thirteen hundred square feet, could cost in any place between one and three hundred dollars, with a two story home over two thousand square feet averaging one hundred fifty to four hundred dollars for a one time cleaning.

If those homes were cleaned on a bi-weekly basis, their prices will change. The apartment might cost between sixty and one hundred twenty-five dollars, the singular story home between eighty and one hundred and fifty, and the two story home between one hundred and two hundred dollars per visit. quarterly cleaning usually secures a principal discount. You may also encounter services that offer package deals - three, five, or seven hour one time services for your area and type of home. House cleaning prices will vary by the area, too. Distinct parts of the country have Distinct mean home sizes and cleaning times, changing how much a assistance costs.

Typical services include dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing counter tops, sinks, floors and the hood over the stove. However, doing the dishes by hand, picking up items left on the floor, and other services won't be done, and must be performed before the cleaning assistance gets there.

Some services will convert bed linen and load dishwashers, and they commonly contribute all their own tools and cleaning products. Cleaning windows and walls is not usually included, and cleaning an oven or refrigerator can add about twenty-five dollars to your bill. Dusting blinds and other surfaces will also be an added fee.

Professional house cleaning can be principal for many reasons, and is a great choice in many situations. However, it's prominent to know what you'll be paying going in - after all, no one likes to be surprised with a large bill. Find out well in progress Either you'll be paying a diminutive or a lot for your cleaning.

A Guide to rule How Much to Pay For Your House Cleaning assistance

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Monday, January 2, 2012

20 Great Ways to store Your business Locally

Whether your target audience is in your neighborhood or over the world, you can use your local resources to get the word out about your business. Your local community is actually accessible and provides dozens of opportunities for construction a buzz about your product or service. The following are twenty ideas to get you started.

1. Offer Your product or aid as a Free Give Away - For example, if you own a restaurant, you could have your local Holiday Inn give away supper gift certificates for to hotel guests during check-in. If you own a car wash, you could have the local car dealerships give away a certificate for a free wash with all car purchases. Think about businesses that are complimentary to yours and offer a promotion that is easy for them to implement and that will benefit their customers.

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2. Donate to Local Charities & Schools - Offer your products, services, or gift certificates for charity auctions and events. This will get you exposure to everybody who attends the event and build loyalty with members of the club you are supporting- not to mention a tax write-off!

3. Leave Brochures, Fliers, and business Cards everywhere - Many local businesses will allow you to display your cards and brochures. Inherent venues include:

* Car washes

* Bookstores

* Coffee shops

* Apartment structure (near mailboxes or in laundry rooms)

* Churches

* pupil centers

* community centers

* withdrawal centers

* Fitness centers

* Subways and bus depots

* Fraternities and Sororities

* Libraries

4. Hold a Contest - habitancy love to get stuff for free and contests are a great way to lure in new customers. Make the prizes something habitancy want, or even just a gift certificate or shopping spree for your business. Be sure to alert the media to your contest. Here are some contest ideas:

* Have kids color pictures or submit stories related to your business.

* Have customers submit funny business slogans.

* Hold a poetry contest with a theme related to your business.

* Have habitancy submit their best solutions to problems related to your business. For example, if you own a garden center, habitancy could submit their best gardening tips. Take this a step additional and issue the entries in a booklet when the contest is over.

* Host a method contest if you have a food-related business.

5. Use Gift Certificates Creatively - Gift certificates are great for business because they cost you next to nothing, bring in cash, and often they are not redeemed. Get your customers to buy gift certificates by offering them a extra bonus. For example: Buy a gift certificate for or more and receive off your next purchase with us. When the buyer purchases a gift certificate, you then give them one worth dated for use the following month only. This means that your buyer must return to you the following month and if they do, will probably spend more than the free you've given them.

6. In-Home Parties - Mary Kay, Tupperware, and Pampered Chef are just a few of the companies who create big sales from small parties. This strategy won't work for all businesses, but if you have products that would benefit from an in-home party, taste your friends, family, and business associates and get the party started.

7. Join Local Trade Organizations - Many organizations hold regular meetings and free seminars, providing you with other opportunity to make indispensable contacts. Toastmasters ( has chapters all over the U.S. And there are probably dozens of other organizations in your community to choose from. Even if you don't think your business can benefit from networking, you might be surprised by the connections you can make at these events.

8. Canvas colse to Neighborhoods - Instead of just leaving a flier, you could leave an uncostly item or tips booklet. One local Realtor stuck an American flag on the lawns of everybody in our neighborhood and then left her brochure on the doorsteps. Not only did the neighborhood look spectacular, with all of those flags waving in the wind, but everybody loves a patriotic theme. This is a great strategy for all kinds of holidays: Independence Day, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, etc. You could take this idea a step additional and do something similar for all of the major holidays.

9. Join everything - Even the Pta (Parent/Teacher's Association) can be a great place to network. Join book clubs, writer's groups, or any groups of interest to you, even if they don't directly recite to your business. Get known by everyone. They will join together you with your business as soon as they get to know you and your mere proximity at functions could serve as a reminder and cause members to want to do business with you.

10. Use Networking to Build Alliances - The incommunicable to sufficient networking is to not just be on the lookout for what business contacts can do for you, but to think what you can do for them. When you meet someone new, ask questions and engage them in conversation. Offer guidance or ideas, build a relationship and trust in the middle of you. Once you've established a rapport, offer to meet for coffee or lunch and see if you can brainstorm ways to work together.

11. Set Up Shop at the Farmer's store - If you have a food-related product or whatever of interest to the normal public, the local farmer's store is a great place to not only create sales, but to growth exposure to your business. Visit for a directory of these events.

12. Swap Coupons with a Complimentary business - Offer to give away their coupons with each purchase while they give away your coupons with each purchase. Each provides the other with coupons and runs the promotion simultaneously. Make sure you print a extra run of coupons or give them some unique identifier (printed on a extra color of paper, for example) so you can actually track the success of the promotion.

13. Give Away Free Tips - Tips sheets or booklets can be a spectacular, marketing tool. Put together a list of tips, similar to the tips you're reading now. Your tips could be as few as ten or as many as 100. For example, a financial counselor could put together a tips sheet called "Twenty Ways to Save on Tax Planning." A attractiveness salon could offer "Ten Tips for Ageless Skin." A child care center could give away "Twenty-five Tips for Child Safety."

Print your tips sheets or booklets and give them away as a bonus with purchase or use them with your advertising. If you offer something of real value, habitancy will be more likely to hang onto your list and refer to it over and over again, thus you are providing a consistent reminder of your business. Make sure your taste facts and logo are printed on the documents.

14. Smile for the Cameras - Television news programs like to host guests who have optical appeal. If there is something you can demonstrate, or an animated presentation you can give, pitch your idea to local news agenda producers (locate their taste facts from their websites). Watch your local programs to see what kinds of stories they highlight and how you can tailor yours to meet their needs.

15. Offer Something Wacky - One northern California cafeteria started a "Bald Tuesday" promotion. You guessed it; anyone who was in a stage of balding could eat there for free on Tuesdays. Not only did this bring habitancy in for a free meal, those patrons brought along paying customers with full heads of hair. And the biggest benefit of all? The media loved the story and covered it in the local news. Soon the story reached national news and the cafeteria became the talk of the nation. Think of something unique and unusual that will bring habitancy in-then be sure to alert the media.

16. Online Classified Ads - One spectacular, venue for getting the word out about your business is There is no payment for listing your add in a variety of categories and Craigslist now has a proximity in most major cities. Ads are archived for two weeks, so be sure to resubmit regularly. Try separate ads to see what works best. You can even offer a discount or extra offer for habitancy who print the ad and bring it to you.

17. Description Audio Cds - It can be relatively uncostly to Description a Cd using your computer with a recordable disk drive. You can put together and audio presentation that your prospects can listen to in their cars. Assemble a display and give them away. You can also place them in the same types of venues where you distribute fliers.

18. Turn Your Customers into Billboards - Give away your shirts, hats, and other gear or sell it at cost. The big companies print their logos on everything and get habitancy to buy, so you can too. Make sure it's something of interest that habitancy will want to wear. You could put a fun image or phrase on the front of a shirt, with your business logo and website address on the back. Be creative!

19. Make it Stick - Magnets are an uncostly way to leave a persisting impression. Print your business card and logo on a magnet. Many habitancy stick these on their refrigerators and will remember it's there when it's time to call a plumber, do their taxes, or order supplies. These are especially sufficient for aid businesses.

20. Use Your License Plate - It only costs a bit extra to order vanity plates from the Dmv. If your business name fits on a plate, put it on there. Be sure to frame it with a vanity license plate frame.

Your local community is a great place to build sustain and recognition for your business so don't miss out on this indispensable opportunity. By implementing even one of these recommend marketing strategies, you could open new doors for business opportunities.

20 Great Ways to store Your business Locally

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