Monday, April 23, 2012

Curing Diabetes


If you have high abdominal fat and your Blood pressure is slightly elevated, you need to worry even if your Bmi is general because this may be a sign of impending diabetes. Let us understand how the diabetes is industrialized and further progressed. Comprehension how the diabetes is industrialized and further progressed is the key to cure it, so let us first understand the mechanism of its development. Diabetes is caused by a question in the way human body makes or uses insulin. Insulin is needed to move blood sugar (glucose) into cells, where it is stored and later used for energy.

Four Door Refrigerator

Beta cells produce insulin in response to blood glucose. These beta cells produce insulin in strict proportion to the level of glucose in the blood stream. Following a meal, blood sugar levels rise significantly, and the beta cells publish a large whole of insulin. This insulin causes body cells to grab the sugar, causing blood sugar to quickly return to its general range. Once blood sugar is in the general range, the beta cells reduce the production of insulin to an idling state. In this way, the beta cells adjust their production of insulin on a real time basis, producing just enough insulin to deal with the whole of blood sugar currently in the blood stream.

In type 1 diabetes, the beta cell islets are destroyed. Once the islets are killed, the quality to produce insulin is lost, and the symptoms and consequences of diabetes begin. In type-Ii diabetes Insulin resistance is the prime cause of diabetes. Insulin is a chemical messenger signalling proteins called Glut-4 transporters (residing within the cell) to rise up to the cell's membrane, where they can grab on to glucose and take it inside the cell. In patients with insulin resistance, the cells do not get the message that the glucose is available. Cells are unable to hear insulin "knocking" on the door resulting in elevated blood levels of both insulin and glucose

In the early stages of insulin resistance, the pancreas compensates by producing more and more insulin, and so the "knocking" becomes louder and louder. The message is at last "heard", enabling glucose transportation into the cells, resulting in the eventual normalization of blood glucose levels. This is known as "compensated insulin resistance". The liver helps regulate glucose levels by reducing its secretion of glucose in the presence of insulin. This general reduction in the liver's glucose production may not occur in people with insulin resistance.

Over time, the stress of excessive insulin production burns out the beta cells unable to keep pace with accelerated output. As a result, glucose levels remain elevated for continued periods. This is called "uncompensated insulin resistance" and is the essence of industrialized type 2 diabetes.

Gradually, increased insulin resistance and discrete other factors discussed later diminish the quality of pancreas to produce enough insulin and the classification line in the middle of type-I and type-Ii diabetes becomes blurred.

Insulin Resistance

As explained above Insulin resistance (Ir) is a physiological health where the natural hormone insulin , becomes less effective at lowering blood sugars. The resulting growth in blood glucose may raise levels surface the general range and cause adverse health effects, depending on dietary conditions . Confident cell types such as fat and muscle cells wish insulin to dispell glucose. When these cells fail to retort adequately to circulating insulin, blood glucose levels rise.

It is well known that insulin resistance ordinarily coexists with obesity . However, causal links in the middle of insulin resistance, obesity, and dietary factors are complex and controversial

In experiment carried out on rodents, large quantities of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated (omega-6) fats all appear to be contributing to Insulin Resistance to some degree, compared to high-starch food, but saturated fat appears to be the most effective at producing Ir. This is partly caused by direct effects of a high-fat diet on blood markers, but, more significantly high-fat diet has the tendency to corollary in caloric intake far exceeding animals' power needs, resulting in rapid weight gain. The corollary of dietary fat is largely or thoroughly overridden if the high-fat diet is modified to contain nontrivial quantities (in excess of 5-10% of total fat intake) of polyunsaturated. Omega-3 fatty acids. This protective corollary is most established with regard to the so-called "marine long-chain omega-3 fatty acids", Epa and Dha , found in fish oil; evidence in favor of other omega-3's, in particular, the most coarse vegetable-based omega-3 fatty acid, Ala is more limited. Some studies find Ala only effective among people with insufficient long-chain omega-3 intake and some studies fail to find any corollary at all . Ala can be partially converted into Epa and Dha by the human body, but the conversion rate is concept to be 10% or less, depending on diet and gender, limiting its effectiveness.

Elevated levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in the blood stream and tissues have been found to conduce to insulin resistance. Triglyceride levels are correlated with excess body weight, overeating and trans fat intake. They are strongly inversely correlated with omega-3 intake and fat loss again highlighting the significance of omega-3 rich diet and exercise.

Intake of easy sugars, and particularly fructose , is also a factor that contributes to insulin resistance. Fructose is metabolized by the liver into triglycerides, tends to raise their levels in the blood stream. Therefore, it may conduce to insulin resistance through the same mechanisms as the dietary fat. Experiments on rodents propose that, high levels of fructose and/or sucrose induce insulin resistance similar to that of fats, and, this insulin resistance is ameliorated by fish oil supplementation. A low-fat diet high in easy sugars (but not in complex carbohydrates and starches) stimulates fatty acid synthesis, primarily palmitate , therefore, resulting in the plasma fatty acid pattern that is similar to that produced by a high-saturated-fat diet. However, very itsybitsy is known about effects of easy sugars in whole fruit and vegetables. Epidemiological studies propose that their high consumption is connected with somewhat lower risk of insulin resistance.

Another mechanism contributing to Insulin resistance is leptin resistance. An foremost role of leptin is long-term inhibition of appetite in response to formation of body fat. In some individuals this mechanism is disrupted and their appetite and caloric intake is not reduced despite elevated level of leptin. Once leptin resistance is developed, the individual becomes prone to further overeating, weight gain, and insulin resistance. Experiments on rats propose that leptinresistance can be triggered by persisting consumption of fructose or consumption of energy-dense, extremely palatable food over a duration of any days.

Insulin itself leads to a kind of insulin resistance; every time a cell is exposed to insulin, the production of Glut4 (type four glucose receptors) on the cell's membrane decreases. In the presence of a higher than usual level of insulin (generally caused by insulin resistance), this down-regulation acts as a kind of Confident feedback, increasing the need for insulin. Exercise reverses this process in muscle tissue.

Some scholars propose that insulin resistance and obesity are not literally metabolic disorders per se, but naturally adaptive responses to sustained caloric surplus, intended to protect physical organs from lipotoxicity (unsafe levels of lipids in the bloodstream and tissues). It has been recommend that exclusion of glucose from lipid-laden cells by developing insulin resistance is a compensatory defence against further accumulation of lipogenic substrate.

Fast food meals are energy-dense, palatable, and cheap, increasing risk of overeating and leptin resistance. They are simultaneously high in dietary fat and fructose, and low in omega-3. These characteristics have independently been connected to insulin resistance.

In most cases, therefore, development of diabetes is nature's way of maintaining power and mass equilibrium in response to the sustained high Caloric intake (mostly in the form of carb and fat) for many years without expenditure of those calories, resulting in metabolic changes causing insulin resistance and subsequent beta cell destruction in pancreas. Our system begins to adjust to the high calorie diet and low performance level five to seven years before we are ever diagnosed with diabetes. Our body seems to recognise that it is surplus of calories and stored fat and reprograms itself not to dispell the power from food as efficiently as it used to. Insulin resistance is industrialized which prohibits the cells to listen to the insulin signal. This results in rising of the blood glucose level due to non-absorption in the cells. excessive whole of glucose circulation in the blood plasma is called hyperglycaemia.

Main Symptoms when left undiagnosed:

People with hyperglycaemia feel hungry because their cells are unable to dispell the sugar in the blood, and the body reacts as if it needs more food (Polyphagia). All the excess sugar in the blood at last winds up in the urine, and this acts as a diuretic, as the body tries to bring more water in to dilute the urine. This is why polyuria occurs. Because the hyperglycemic person is producing so much urine, they naturally feel thirsty as their body tries to replace the water resulting in the classical indication of illness of Polydipsia.

Other Dangers of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance causes high level of circulatory insulin due to compensatory mechanism, drugs for type-Ii diabetes or externally administered insulin or naturally due to persisting high calorie diet. This may pose any other dangers to the health.


Insulin stimulates cell growth, and unfortunately cancer cells have six to 10 times the whole of insulin receptors--molecules that grab on to the hormone--as do general cells. So if extra hormone hits a pre-existing cancer cell, it makes a bad thing much, much worse. "For cancer, insulin is like pouring gasoline on a fire.

Cardiovascular Disease

High levels of insulin in the blood damage the lining of arteries, growth bad blood fats such as triglycerides and Ldl cholesterol, and clump blood cells together so they are more likely to block up vessels

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

High level of insulin causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which causes infertility and dramatically raises the risk for heart disease.

In increasing to above some studies also link Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases to insulin resistance

Mechanisms of Beta-Celldestruction

Insulin resistance often leads to Beta-Cell destruction through discrete mechanism listed below. However, some individuals may have itsybitsy Beta-Cellmass early in life because of genetic factors predisposing them to diabetes.

Central Obesity is the main risk factor for the development of diabetes. It is often accompanied by an elevation of lipids in the blood (dyslipidemia) and increased circulating leptin and cytokine levels. All of these factors have been shown to modulate Beta-cell function and survival. The influence of dyslipidemia on the Beta-cells of an individual will depend on his or her specific lipid profile. Whereas some free fatty acids and lipoproteins have been shown to be pro-apoptotic for the Beta-cell, others are protective. Thus, long-term exposure to saturated fatty acids such as palmitate (a saturated fatty acid that is found in humans, animals and plants and is a major component of palm oil) appears extremely toxic, whereas monounsaturated fatty acids such as oleate protect against both palmitate- and glucose-induced Beta-Cellapoptosis. It is bright to note that similar toxic effects are also observed in non-Beta-cells such as cardiac cells. Lipoproteins may influence Beta-Cellsurvival in a similar way, whereby Vldl and Ldl are pro-apoptotic and Hdl is protective.

Mitochondrial dysfunction has also been proposed as a coarse feature of both impaired insulin responsiveness of peripheral tissues and defective Beta-Cellsecretory function and survival.

Oxidative stress influence insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion, Beta-cell survival, and also play a role in the development of the secondary complications of diabetes These effects are in general catalyzed by the generation of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species, which finally initiate stress-induced pathways (transcription factor nuclear factor (Nf-kB), stress kinases, and hexosamines) to manipulate cell fate.

Some in vitro studies propose that closure of the Katp channels by the sulfonylureas tolbutamide and glibenclamide (commonly prescribed drug for type-Ii diabetes) may induce Ca2+-dependent Beta-cell apoptosis in rodent and human islets. In an foremost new clinical study comparing insulin and sulfonylurea treatment of type 2 diabetes, it was shown that treatment with insulin preserved Beta-cell function more effectively than glibenclamide. It remains to be established either it is the useful effects of insulin or the potential Beta-cell toxicity of glibenclamide that accounts for this observation.

Summing up, High power food, rich in carbohydrates, fats and easy sugars coupled with low performance level appear to be contributing to Insulin Resistance and Beta-cell destruction. Hyperglycaemia plays a central role among those factors contributing to both Beta-cell "burnout" and insulin resistance. While transient postprandial hyperglycaemic excursions may predominantly induce Beta-cell proliferation in insulin-resistant individuals, this adaptive mechanism fails in the long run and is overridden by Beta-cell destruction (apoptosis). In increasing this, hyperglycaemia also impairs Beta-cell secretory function. This glucotoxic corollary is evident before apoptosis leads to a indispensable decrease in Beta-cell mass. Glucotoxicity does not act alone. Saturated fatty acids, lipoproteins, leptin, and circulating and locally produced cytokines further burn out the Beta-cells and are also foremost factors in developing insulin resistance. increasing evidence in both experimental and clinical studies suggests that oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathogenesis of both types of diabetes mellitus. Abnormally high levels of free radicals and the simultaneous decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms can lead to damage of cellular organelles and enzymes, increased lipid peroxidation, and development of insulin resistance. Studies propose that some therapeutic agents prescribed for type-Ii diabetes may also negatively influence the fate of the Beta-cells. Insulin resistance causes high level of circulatory insulin due to compensatory mechanism, drugs for type-Ii diabetes, externally administered insulin or naturally due to persisting high calorie diet even in healthy individuals. This may pose any other dangers to the health along with proliferation of pre-existing Cancers, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and is also connected to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's diseases.


Knowing the mechanism of insulin resistance and Beta-Cell destruction, it is easy to understand how this deadly disease can be cured. As explained above diabetes is nature's way of maintaining power and mass equilibrium in response to the sustained high Caloric intake (mostly in the form of carb and fat) without the matching performance level for many years, resulting in metabolic changes causing insulin resistance and subsequent beta cell destruction in pancreas. The key to cure this disease is to reduce calorie intake and growth physical performance to burnout the excessive warehouse of body fat primarily in abdominal region. In increasing to this, as oxidative stress and dyslipidemia are also major factors in developing insulin resistance and beta cell destruction, A diet comprising of antioxidants and "marine long-chain omega-3 fatty acids", Epa and Dha , will be specially useful in reverting the disease. Although less effective, those who are vegetarian may consume omega 3 fatty acids of plant origin. Some Yogic exercises are said to regenerate Beta-Cells and should be practiced if possible. The three pronged approach comprising of increasing physical activity, practicing yoga to regenerate pancreatic beta cells and restore there secretory functions and modifying the diet is explained below.

Physical Activity

To restore mass and power equilibrium in our body in order to help preclude or reverse insulin resistance is exercise. If high abdominal fat exist and body mass index (Bmi) is high, initially more calories are required to be burnt than what is consumed so that stored fat reserves get depleted. Once the body mass index (Bmi) is reached in the range of 22-23, try to profess that weight by adjusting the Exercise intensity and caloric intake.

Increase in daily performance level can be useful. Some of the ideas to growth the performance level are to use stairs instead of lift if health permits, parking car away so that small walk is needed to reach the destination and along with some light sports in daily performance schedule

Brisk walk can be a safe Exercise for adults of all age groups. Four km of brisk walk ( 2 km each in morning and evening is recommended. However, length and speed should be increased moderately to avoid fatigue, stress and injuries. Highest speed of 6 to 6. 5 km/hr is sufficient. This will burn about 300-325 kcal per day. Once the target weight fat reduction is achieved, duration of walk can be reduced. Brisk walk will not only burn calories but will also improve cardio-vascular health.


Some asana are helpful in regenerating pancreatic beta cells. The list includes Halasan, Naukasan, ArdhNaukasan, Ardh Badh Padm Paschimottanasan, Paschimottanasan, Dhanurasan, Urdhwa Dhanurasan, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Ardhmatsyendrasana, Matsyendrasana, Mayurasana, Padm-mayurasana, Hansaasana, etc. These should be practiced agreeing to once capacity and should be tried moderately in management of an master to avoid injury.


Only Exercise cannot restore the power and mass equilibrium required for healthy living. It is required to cut the unwanted calories without cutting indispensable nutrients. A general adult man doing light work needs about 2200 kcal per day and a general adult women doing light work need at least 1900 kcal per day. The Dietary Guidelines recommends distribution for the power nutrients from Fat: 20 - 35% of total calories (average 30%), from Protein: 10 - 35% (average 15%) and from Carbohydrates: 45 - 65% (average 55%). Some healthy diets, like the Mediterranean Diet, promote 40% of calories from fat, but the fat must be olive oil, fish oil and nuts. Alcohol is the fourth energy-producing nutrient, and it is recommended in moderation, if at all.

Replace bad fat by good fat

Replace saturated fat such as ghee (purified butter) and butter from your diet with oils rich in monounsaturated and poly unsaturated fatty acids such as mustard, peanut, olive, sunflower or safflower oils. Monounsaturated fatty acids (Mufas) and Poly unsaturated fatty acids (Pufas) may help lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease by improving connected risk factors. For instance, Mufas may lower your total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Mufas may also help normalize blood clotting. And some study shows that Mufas may also benefit insulin levels and blood sugar control, which can be especially helpful if you have type-Ii diabetes. Mufa such as oleate also protect against both palmitate- and glucose-induced Beta-Cellapoptosis.

Use Olive Oil

The Mediterranean diet, which is abundant in antioxidants, is connected with a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease and diabetes. Olive oil and olives, which contain the antioxidants hydroxytyrosol, oleuropein, and tyrosol, are foremost components of this diet and may have useful corollary in type-I and type-Ii diabetes by reducing oxidative stress.

The main type of fat found in all kinds of olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids (Mufas). Mufas are literally thought about a healthy dietary fat. Use unsaturated fats, such as Mufas and polyunsaturated fats (Pufas), instead of saturated fats and trans fats.

But even healthier fats like olive oil are high in calories, so use them only in moderation. Choose Mufa-rich fats such as olive oil instead of other fats - particularly butter and margarine - not in increasing to them. And remember that you can't make unhealthy foods healthier naturally by adding olive oil to them.

Remember that heat, light and air can influence the taste of olive oil and perhaps its health-promoting nutrients. Store olive oil in a dark, room-temperature cupboard, or even in the refrigerator. The fats and healthy phytonutrients in olive oil - as well as the taste - can moderately degrade over time, so it's probably best to use it within a year or within six months once opened.

Never Use Trans-fats

Trans fat is the coarse name for unsaturated fat with trans-isomer (E-isomer) fatty acid (s). Because the term refers to the configuration of a double carbon-carbon bond, trans fats may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated but never saturated .

No trans fats are indispensable fatty acids ; indeed, the consumption of trans fats increases the risk of coronary heart disease by raising levels of "bad" Ldl cholesterol and lowering levels of "good" Hdl cholesterol. health authorities worldwide propose that consumption of trans fat be reduced to trace amounts. Trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils are more harmful than naturally occurring oils

Consume food rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Oily fish are rich source of omega 3 fatty acids Dha and Epa. Omega 3 fatty acids of plant origin ( found in flaxseed, almonds and walnuts, The 18 carbon α-linolenic acid (Ala) has not been shown to have the same cardiovascular and anti-diabetic benefits as Dha or Epa due to conversion efficiency in mammals from Ala to Dha and Epa. Dha and Epa are made by maritime microalgae. These are then consumed by fish and procure to high levels in their internal organs. However, it is recommended to limit the fish intake up to two serving per week for adult healthy man and to even lower level in pregnant woman and children to avoid dangers of mercury contamination found in fish.


Aspartame has been the branch of any controversies, hoaxes and health scares since its first approval by the U. S. Food and Drug management (Fda) in 1974. Critics profess that conflicts of interest marred the Fda's approval of aspartame, examine the quality of the first study supporting its safety, and postulate that numerous health risks may be connected with aspartame. Veracity of these claims could not be verified, however, warning on its label that Aspartame is not recommended for children indicates that it is not a healthy stock and may have some side effects. I therefore, propose that aspartame or the food items containing aspartame should be good avoided.

Avoid processed and fast food

Say no to namkeens, kurkure, pop tarts, commercially prepared fish sticks, stick margarine, cake, candy, cookies, readymade or ready to cook microwave popcorns, burgers, and pizzas, as they are high in calories and often contain transfats. A 100 gm measure of a popular namkeen contains about 560 kcal whereas one hour of brisk walk will only burn about 400 kcal. Fast food meals typically possess any characteristics which have independently been connected to insulin resistance. They are energy-dense, palatable, and cheap, increasing risk of overeating and leptin resistance. They are simultaneously high in dietary fat and fructose and low in omega-3; and they regularly have high glycemic indices. Consumption of fast food has been proposed as a basal factor behind the coronary heart diseases, diabetes and obesity.

Cut on calories from refined sugar and high easy carbohydrate food:

As a equilibrium in the middle of calorie intake and expenditure is required to be met without cutting on indispensable nutrients, it is therefore recommended to replace easy carbohydrates like refined sugar, and sweet beverages with complex carbohydrates and proteins. enough whole of protein will ensure synthesis of enough muscle mass due to increased level of exercise. Recommended whole of protein in grams is about 0. 5 to 0. 9 times your body weight in kg depending upon the Exercise level.

Food with large amounts of complex carbohydrates contain legumes, starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn, rice and grain products. Other vegetables such as green beans, broccoli and spinach contain less starch, but they have more fiber.

Complex carbohydrates should provide about half the calories in diet. However, the best complex carbohydrates come from legumes, vegetables, breads, pasta and cereals. Choose 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grain brad cereal and pasta products over refined flour products because they contain more fiber. The extra fiber slows down the absorption of the carbohydrates so you feel full longer and be less likely to over-eat throughout the day.

Eat Ample Quantity of Vegetable Salad

Every meal should contain plentiful of salad and it should be consumed before main course. This helps satiate your stomach and reduces chances of overeating. Salad may be dressed with olive oil. In increasing to this fruit shall be consumed in moderation once a day as they often have enough oxidants and indispensable nutrients which are indispensable for total well being. Once you are able to carry on your total calories you should not be afraid of sugar from fruit in moderate amount.

Type-Ii diabetes can be delayed, prevented or reversed with safe, uncostly therapy such as losing weight, changing eating habits, and exercising. It is true that it does take a serious commitment on your part to Confident lifestyle changes, but these changes are potential to accomplish and the results will be extremely gratifying.

Curing Diabetes

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